Hellish Military Service is a game in which you have to check the demons that come to you by comparing their readings with passports. You should check items such as: name, gender, photo, from which circle of hell and what disease he has. You need to collect 13 demons that match all the parameters, and you have 3 lives that will be spent if you incorrectly checked the demon. The game has a list of diseases due to which the demon cannot be tested and diseases that are being tested. Each circle has its own designation in the form of patterns, the patterns go from top to bottom. For example, the first circle of hell is the topmost pattern in the list of patterns!


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интересный замысел игры, визуал на высоте, музыка в игре приятная :3

больше всего мне понравился визуал игры, оригинальные персы и интерфейс, сам гейплей тоже хороший, похожие такие игры встречаю редко

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it was pretty good